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  • Info piste

    • 0/16 piste aperte
    • aggiornato al 18/04/2024
      • Campo scuola
      • Chiuso
      • Collegamento con Centro Fondo Enego bivio Campo Cavallo
      • Chiuso
      • Pista agonistica
      • Chiuso
      • Pista agonistica Meimerle
      • Chiuso
  • Info snow fun park Snow park

    • 0/6 piste aperte
    • aggiornato al 18/04/2024
      • Nº2 Tapis Roulant
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob Kamikaze
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob Kamikaze Plus
      • Chiuso
  • Info rifugi

    • -/- rifugi aperti
    • aggiornato al 01/01/1900
      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
      • -------------
      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
      • -------------
  • Ultime news

    • aggiornato al 12/09/2024
    rifugio campomulo w n1

    Dear friends, we update you with the new schedules of the Campomulo Refuge in force from Monday 18 September 2023. The RIFUGIO BASE MALGA CAMPOMULO wi …

Timetables and services of Rifugio Campomulo, Centro Fondo and Snow Fun Park from 27/01/2022

Dear friends, from tomorrow the Snow Fun Park will also open on Friday afternoon!

Below are our schedules and services updated to 27 January 2022:

- the RIFUGIO BASE MALGA CAMPOMULO is open 7 days a week. Saturday and Sunday from 8.00 to 23.00, while monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00;

- the RESTAURANT of the refuge is open every day from 11.00 to 16.00, while on Saturdays and Sundays also in the evening from 19.00 to 22.00;

- the CENTRO FONDO CAMPOMULO is open every day from 8.00 to 17.00;

- the SNOW FUN PARK is open on Fridays from 13.00 to 16.00 (cash desks open at 12.30). Saturday and Sunday the opening is from 10.00 to 16.00 (except unfavorable weather conditions). Please note that snowmobiles for children are not currently available.

It is not yet possible to stay in the refuge, because the rooms are being renovated, but we hope they will be available soon.

We are waiting for you! 

rifugio campomulo w n1